Venezuelan Slang Dictionary
Venezuelan Spanish can be difficult. Alasdair knows, he has a Venezuelan wife, Oriana, who has helped him to compile this glossary.
Pronunciation points:
The Venezuelan accent at times is a very complicated one to understand. Often Venezuelans speak with such volume and energy that even the simplest of interactions can appear to be fueled by strong emotions.
Venezuelan Spanish is a Caribbean, or creole, version of Castilian, the most common trait of which is that the ‘S’ is not often pronounced. Therefore a word such as Asco, can often be heard phonetically as “Ahko”. When using the Gerund version of a verb, i.e. the ‘–ado’ form (such as ‘llevado’), the ending is most often pronounced without the ‘D’, resulting in an “oww” sound. Therefore ‘llevado’ sounds more like ‘llevaow’.
Achantado – adj Of an individual, to be lazy or unmotivated. Also ahuevoniado.
Agazapado – adj Synonym of mosquita muerta.
Aguado – adj Descriptive of a person who is unenthusiastic or unmotivated.
Ahuevoniado – adj Of an individual, who is lazy or under-productive.
Aletazo – noun Body odour.
Aliebrestado – adj Nervous, tense or highly-strung. Stemming form the word for a hare – liebre – seen as being of nervous temprament.
A Monte, tener a alguien – expression To have driven a person ‘to distraction’, or in a state of extreme irritation. e.g. “El niño tiene al perro a monte” (The kid has driven the dog to distraction).
Amuñuñado – adj Cluttered, or tightly packed.
Apatemingo – adj Descriptive of something which is very physically close-by.
Aragán – noun The household cleaning implement, similar to a broom, which is designed to move liquid around floors.
Arepa – noun A disk of cornmeal dough, cooked on a Budare, which is then opened and filled with any number of ingredients. Arepas are eaten at any time of day, and considered the national staple.
Arrecho –
adj Angry or infuriated (in Venezuelan Spanish)
adj Horny (in Colombian Spanish)
adj Really good, or awesome.
Arremillado – adj The position of being seated, while spreading one’s legs. As if on horseback.
Artista – noun Not an artist in the traditional sense, a artista in Venezuela is a showbiz professional (tv presenter, telenovela star, regaettón musician, social media influencer, etc). A performer.
Asco – exclam Disgusting. An abbreviation of the adjective ‘Asqueroso’ (Disgusting).
Atracar – verb To rob or steal.
Atraparse con los kilos – verb To catch someone (or be caught) red-handed. Caught in the act. Literally ‘caught with the kilos’. “Me atraparon con los kilos” (I got busted). This does not refer specifically to the act of narcotrafficking, rather any situation in which one gets ‘busted’. i.e. Cheating on a partner, etc.
Avispado – adj Astute or quick on their toes – stemming from ‘avispa’, being charactersitics associated with a wasp.
Baboso – adj/noun ‘Slimy’, most commonly used to describe a man who is very lecherous, or creepy.
Bachaco – noun A Catire who nevertheless has some indigenous or African genetic features, most specifically their hair. A Mestizo.
Baina – See Vaina.
Bajale Dos – exclam Chill out, or ‘relax'!’. i.e. ‘Take it down two notches.’.
Balurdo – adj Tacky, poor taste, or perceived as low-class. Also Chabacano.
Batata – noun The calf muscle in the lower leg.
Batatudo – adj Descriptive of an individual with large calf muscles/lower legs.
Bemba – noun (f) The lips together as they form the front of the mouth. The pout.
Bery-Bery – noun A fainting fit. Also Patatus.
Bicho –
noun An insect.
noun An East-Venezuelan equivalent of vaina, used as a word to signify something without giving it its name.
exclam Exclamation of shock or surprise. i.e. “Bicho!” (Wow!)
Billullo – adj Wealthy. Stemming from the word ‘billete’, or paper money.
Birra – noun Slang term for beer. Comes from the Brazilian Portuguese language, given Venezuela’s shared border with Brazil.
Bocón – noun A snitch, or gossipy individual.
Bodeguita – noun An informal convenience store opened up in the vendor’s own home.
Bojote –
noun A bulge, or protrusion.
noun The outline of a man’s genitals in his clothing.
Bolas – noun Testicles, yet the word has many derivative expressions:
De Bolas – exclam Affirming the truth of a statement.
Hacer Bolas – verb To confuse or confound.
Que Bolas – exclam Pejorative statement expressing disappointment, or outrage, depending on context.
Boleta – adj Cheeky.
Bollo – noun
Arepa dough moulded into a sausage shape, and then boiled. Commonly eaten with fried egg.
Brinconcita – noun Descriptive of a female who is promiscuous.
Buche – noun
The ‘Adam’s Apple’ in the throat.
The act of ‘wretching’ or ‘dry heaving’.
Budare – noun A flat hotplate or grill on which Arepas are cooked.
Buena leche – expression Meaning that one has been the recipient of good luck. e.g. “Coño, que buena leche!” (Oh man, that was lucky!). The inverse, mala leche, means the opposite.
Bululú – noun A large gathering of people, making a great deal of noise.
Burda – pronoun Many or much. e.g. “Hay burda de cambures” (There are many bananas).
Cabeza de Huevo – 1. adj A conceited or arrogant individual. 2. adj A very stubborn person.
Cabrón – 1. noun A very offensive term for a much disliked person. 2. noun A cuckold, or someone whose partner has cheated on them.
Cabulla – noun A Chain.
Cachapa – noun Thick pancake made from sweet cornmeal, and most often folded over a large slab of cheese.
Cachapera – noun A lesbian.
Cachibache – noun A collection of useless objects. Clutter.
Cachicama – noun An Armadillo.
Cachifa –
noun A housemaid, or cleaner. A common expression among women is “Me siento como una cachifa”, meaning they feel either they are not presentable, or they are overburdened with domestic duties.
adj Unpresentable, or dressed in a way that suggests poverty.
Cachumbambe – noun Pejorative term for a black person.
Cadillo – noun A wart
Cagar – verb 1. To defecate. 2. To make a mistake. e.g. “Iban a ganar, hasta el portero la cagó” (They were going to win, until the goalkeeper fucked up”)
Camello – noun A ‘camel toe’, or the outline of a woman’s genitals on her clothing. Also Morrocoyota.
Cambur – noun Banana.
Cambur y Peo – expression Descriptive of an individual who talks a great deal about plans or aspirations, but in reality does nothing. Equivalent of “all mouth, no trousers.”
Causa – noun A close friend or ally. A very malandro way of saying pana.
Canilla – noun A baguette.
Cantaleta – noun A controversy, or fight. e.g. “coño, tu si buscas la cantaleta no? (My goodness, you know how to pick a fight don’t you?).
Cantar la Zona – verb To keep an eye out, usually while an acquaintance is doing something they shouldn’t. e.g. “voy a mear, cantame la zona” (I’m going to take a piss, keep an eye out for me)
Capocho – noun A person with rural or provincial sensibilities. A ‘bumpkin’, or ‘hillbilly’.
Cara de Culo –
noun A face like thunder. A face which overly shows dissatisfaction.
adj Descriptive of a person who has an unpleasant attitude.
Cara de Tostón – adj Descriptive of a vacant, or dull, facial expression.
Carajo – 1. exclam Expressing conveying surprise. 2. noun A young person.
Carajito – noun A child.
Caraotas – noun Black beans.
Carne con Papa – noun Pornographic film or video.
Cartelúo – adj Excellent, or very good. This is a very malandro expression.
Catire – noun A white, or blond person, of European descent. (Catira for females).
Cebo – adj Of a person, or people, showing overt affection or sexual interest.
Chabacano – adj Tacky, poor taste, or perceived as low-class. Also Balurdo.
Chaito – exclam Informal way of saying goodbye. As in, the diminutive of the Italian ‘ciao’.
Chalequeo – noun Mockery, or bullying.
Chambarete – noun The ‘beef shank’ cut of beef, from a cow’s leg. Most commonly used as a stewing cut.
Chanchullo – noun An agreement or deal reached ‘under the table’, or in a way that circumvents best business practice.
Chancletudo – adj Of an individual, to be vulgar or offensive.
Chapucero – noun An individual who pays little attention to the quality of their work, and does so in a slap-dash manner, usually leading to sub-quality results. Also Machimbero.
Chavismo – 1. noun The political ideology of ‘petrosocialism’ espoused by former president Hugo Chavez. 2. noun The regime which continued the administration of Hugo Chavez, following his death in 2013. President Nicolas Maduro is the leading figure of modern-day Chavismo.
Chavista – A political supporter of the former president Hugo Chavez, or one who subscribes to the ideology of Chavismo.
Chevere – adj. Excellent. An expression very typical to the Caribbean – particularly Venezuela and Colombia.
Chevere Cambur Pintón – expression A childish or cute way of expressing pleasure or satisfaction with something. Equilvalent to ‘Chulada de Maiz Prieto’ in Mexican slang.
Chicha – noun A beverage made from the starchy water resulting from boiling rice, which is sweetened for consumption – known in other countries as horchata.
Chiguire – noun A capybara, large species of rodent endemic to the grasslands, or llanos.
Chimbo – adj Of poor quality, bad or disappointing.
Chinazo – noun A double-entendre. A phrase which can seem innocent but be interpreted as rude.
Chiripa – noun Vagina.
Chivear – verb To avert one’s gaze, or avoid eye contact, out of embarrassment or shyness
Chivo que mas mea – noun The most powerful individual within a given context; the boss. Literally “the goat that urinates the most”.
Chiripa – noun Vagina.
Choza – noun A structure with a thatched palm.
Chusma – noun Often pejorative (depending on context) word for the people, or the proletariat. e.g. “A ver que dice la chusma” (Let’s see what the proles have to say)
Chucuto – adj Unfinished or incomplete.
Coba – noun Bullshit.
Cocos – noun Breasts, or ‘tits’. Commonly used within the expression ‘Esos cocos tienen agua?’ (Do those coconuts have water in them?) or (Nice boobs)
Cocotera, dar la – verb To be prone to rapid mood swings.
Cochina – noun In dominoes, the double-six piece. Literally ‘the pig’, or ‘the flithy one’.
Dar la Cola – verb To give someone a lift/ride in one’s own vehicle.
Cola – noun A queue.
Coleo – noun Venezuelan rodeo, the most common form of which involves tripping a stampeding bull on horseback, by grabbing its tail and overtaking it, turning it ninety degrees and making it fall over.
Coletazo – noun The fallout after a disastrous event. e.g. “El coletazo del huracan dejo tres muertos” (The aftermath of the hurricane left three people dead).
Coleto – noun A towel, used as a mop.
Compinchera/o – noun A particularly needy, intense or clingy individual, whose acquaintance means constant contact.
Convive – noun A close friend, or ally. A very malandro expression. Also causa.
Coñazo – noun A physical beating.
Coño de la Madre – 1. exclam Extremely common expression displaying anger or annoyance. Equivalent of “Shit!”. 2. noun A disagreeable person. e.g. “Este coño’e la madre esta muy arrecho.”
Coño de su Pepa – Same as Coño de la Madre.
Coronarse – verb To achieve something desirable. i.e. To crown oneself. e.g. “Quise dar con el, y me coroné.” (I wanted to get with him, and I did it)
Corotero –
noun A great deal of Corotos.
An individual’s personal belongings. e.g. “Agarra tu corotero y vete!” (Grab your things and leave!)
Coroto –
noun Things, or stuff. e.g. “Deja mis corotos!” (Leave my stuff alone)
noun Kitchen utensils and crockery.
Cortarle las patas – verb To ‘dump’ someone, or end a relationship. e.g. “Se ladilló, y le cortó sus patas” (She got bored of him, and dumped him).
Cotufas – noun Popcon
Cotufera – noun Descriptive of an individual who is very materialistic, or plastic. giving importance to appearance over substance.
Cuaima – noun Descriptive of a very jealous woman. Literal meaning is a viper, or small poisonous snake.
Cuca –
noun Vagina.
noun A wound, usually from an aggressive confrontation. A very malandro expression.
Cuca Alegre – noun A ‘slut’, or woman of easy virtue. Literally a ‘happy vagina’.
Cuchara – noun Vagina.
Curado – adj Jaded, or no longer surprised by anything. Comes from the idea that one is ‘cured’ by having been through it all before.
Curda –
noun Booze.
noun The first drink of a drinking session. Also Curdita.
Cuerpo de Yuca – noun A body with an excellent level of condition or fitness.
Culebra – noun A snake.
Culebra, Tener una – expression To have problems, or a ‘bone to pick’ with someone. e.g. “Tu y yo tenemos una culebra” (There’s an issue between us).
Culo – The word for an individual’s rear-end is used in a huge number of expressions in Venezuela.
noun The arse.
noun An individual with whom one has a casual or informal sexual relationship. Also culito.
El Culo noun The most attracticve individual of a specific group.
Lavate ese culo exclam Fuck off.
Cara de culo expression A hostile facial expression.
Partirse el culo verb To work hard.
Moverse el culo verb To get a move on, to hurry up.
Hasta el culo exp To the upper limit of a range
Curda – noun A drinking session.
Dale pues – exclam Expression of assent. As in “go on then”. Most often pronouned without the 'S’, as in “Dale Puej”.
Dar culillo – verb Of something, to make a person scared or nervous. e.g. “La idea de ir a Petare me da culillo” (The idea of going to Petare makes me scared).
Dar la cola – verb To give someone a ride, or a lift, in your vehicle.
Dar matarile – verb To put a definitive end to something. To ‘cut it off at the root’.
Darle chola – verb To hurry up, or get a move on.
Darle/Decirle sus tres huevonadas – Expression meaning to tell an individual exactly what is thought of them, or the actions they are undertaking.
Decir Misa – verb To agree with what someone says, no matter what your own true opinions or feelings.
Decirle sus cuatro vainas – verb To express explicitly and unequivocally to a person why they are disliked, or have been foolish. e.g. “Me embarcó, pero le dije sus cuatro vainas.” (He stood me up, but I told him off.)
Dejar el pelero a alguien – verb To stand someone up, or not show up to an arranged meeting.
Desgraciado/a – noun An impolite or disliked person. Equivalent of calling someone a ‘Bastard’.
Echar Carro – verb To be lazy.
Echar Los Perros – adj To flirt with someone, or to make one’s sexual attraction clear and obvious to the person at whom it is aimed.
Echarle pichón – verb To try hard, or make a concerted effort.
Eche – exclam An expression denoting disbelief. i.e. “Yeah, sure!”
Epa – exclam Exclamation signifying a greeting, or shouted to attain a person’s attention. Also “Epale”.
Embarcador – noun A individual who cancels plans which have previously been agreed upon.
Embarcar – verb To cancel plans previously agreed upon.
Empalagoso – adj A pejorative description person who is overbearingly sweet or attentive.
Empatuquarse – verb To cover oneself in a substance, usually mud. e.g. “Mira, el niño se empatuquó” (Look, the child is covered in mud).
Empepedo/a – adj See Encucado/a.
Emperifollado – adj Dressed in one’s very best clothes, and presentation. In English: ‘dressed to the nines’.
Empicharse – verb Of an item, usually food, to ferment, rot or go bad.
Enchufado – adj To have a contact or connection inside an institution, most commonly the government, from which one earns money or has an easier time in getting things done. Litearlly, to be ‘plugged in’.
Enchumbado – adj To be wet-through, or soaked to the skin. Most often used in the context of getting caught in the rain.
Encucado/a – adj A state of being greatly enamored of a person, primarily as a result of the quality of the sexual relations. See Cuca for source of prase. Also Enhueavado/a and Empepedo/a.
Enguayabado – adj Heartbroken.
Enratonado – adj Hungover.
Enhuevado – adj See Encucado/a.
Epa – exclam An exclamation used to call attention. Equivalent of ‘hey’ in English.
Equis – adj Descriptive of something which is boring, or not worth consideration. Similar to “nothing to write home about”. Literally ‘X’. e.g. ‘La fiesta fue muy equis.’ (The party was boring).
Esfaratáo – adj Broken. The correct pronunciation of Esfaratado.
Esguañingao – adj Broken, or damaged.
Esguayangado – adj Very messy, or completely wrecked. e.g. “Tu cuarto lo tienes esguayangado” (Your room is an absolute mess). Also Esperolado.
Esperolado – adj Very messy. Also Esguayangado.
Estas en salsa, pero no de tomate – exclam Expression of threat of physical violence. Literally, “you’re in the sauce, and it ain’t tomato”.
Estar raspado/a – verb To be ignorant or uninformed.
Fachoso – adj Badly dressed. This comes from being 'en fachas’ or ‘in rags’.
Fajarse – verb To work very hard, or in a very dedicated way.
Fañoso – adj Descriptive of the congestion symptoms associated with the flu: stuffy nose.
Faramallero – noun An extroverted individual. Venezuelans, generally, are faramalleros.
Fino – adj Cool, or excellent. Used to express positive judgement on something.
Firi Firi – noun Descriptive of a person who is tall and thin. ‘Lanky’.
Formar Peo – verb 1. To make problems. 2. To tell someone off.
Fuego a la lata – exclam Expression of assent or affirmation.
Fulana/o – noun Nondescript way of referring to a known individual. Equivalent of ‘Whatshisname’. Also Fulana/o de tal.
Fundillo – noun The buttocks, or butt.
noun A soft drink, similar to Scotland’s Irn Bru, manufactured by Coca-Cola.
adj Relaxed, or easy-going.
Gafo – noun An informal term for a man, equivalent of ‘bloke’, or ‘guy’.
Galleta partida – noun A male homosexual.
Ganas a Alguien, Tenerle
verb To find someone sexually attractive. e.g. “La tengo ganas” (I fancy her).
verb To have the desire to engage in a physical fight with someone. e.g. “La tengo ganas” (I would like to beat her up).
Ginda – noun An adornment, or piece of jewelry. In that it hangs (from the verb gindar) from one’s body.
Gindar –verb To hang.
Gocho/Gocha – noun Native of the Andean states of Táchira, Mérida or Trujillo.
Gran Sabana – noun A region of the Venezuelan interior which extends from the Orinoco River south to the border with Brazil. It is an area of supreme natural beauty, some of the oldest land on earth, and where the majority of the country’s tepuis are found.
Gringo – noun A person or North European ethnic origin, i.e. a white person, or ‘blondie’. Do not be offended if you are from Europe and you get called ‘Gringo’, it denote ethnicity, not nationality. Unlike elsewhere in Latin America, Venezuelans do not distinguish U.S. citizens of European origin from any other nationality. If a Venezuelan considers you to be Caucasian, you are a ‘Gringo’.
Guachiman – noun A security guard. Comes fromt he English term ‘Watchman’, so simply tropicaliza the word when you pronounce it.
Guaracha – noun See Huaracha.
Guaramo – noun Bravery. e.g. “Tu si tienes guaramo!” (You’ve got balls!)
Guarandinga – noun A word used to refer to almost anything else, as in a “thing”. e.g. “Pasame esa guarandinga!” (Pass me that thing!). Synonym of, and used in the same context as, vaina.
Guarapo –
adj Of something which is light in colour. See also Guayoyo.
Sugar cane juice.
Sweet, flavoured syrup to which water is added to make a drink. Squash.
Guarapo, se agüe el – expression To lost one’s desire or motivation to do something
Guarimba – noun A riot, or street protest, generally enacted by opposers of the Chavismo regime.
Guaro – noun A native of the city of Barquisimeto.
Guasacaca – Venezuelan sauce made from aji, either spicy or not.
Guayoyo – adj Something of light shade of colour. Synonym of Guarapo.
Güiro – noun A problem, or issue. Also wiro.
Hablar Paja – 1. verb To talk about unimportant things, to chat, or gossip. 2. verb To lie or be dishonest.
Hasta los Tequeteques – expression Indicating either frustration or an impossibility to consume any more food. e.g. “Estoy hasta los tequeteques de ese señor” (I’ve had it up to the neck of him).
Hacerse Bolas – verb To confuse or confound. “No me preguntas de matematica, que me hago bolas” (Don’t ask me about maths, because I get confused).
Hediondo – adj Pungent, or smelling very strongly.
Hombrillo – noun The hard-shoulder on a motorway or freeway.
Huaracha – noun A racket, or a lot of noise. Also Bululu.
Hueleverga – noun An idiot; someone not worthy of respect.
Huevo Pisado – noun Descriptive of a man who is emasculated, in that his ‘huevos’ (testicles) are being stepped on.
Huevo Sin Sal – adj ‘Egg Without Salt’, descriptive of an individual lacking personality, or charisma. A person who is boring.
Huevón – noun
1. A title given to a close friend or person with whom one feels confidence, to express friendship. Often pronounced very quickly, as in “weon”.
2. An offensive term directed at a person with the aim of insulting them.
3. A lazy or work-shy individual.
Huevonada –
noun Something of little value.
noun Something which is very ridiculous or stupid. Most often heard as “Na’Huevonada”.
noun A stupid or offensive action.
Ir en Gondola – expression Used in the context of a person thinking they are in a bad situation, when in reality things could be much worse. e.g. – “Quisiera ganar mas dinero.” – “Nojoda, vas en gondola!” (– I’d like to earn more money. – Don’t worry, you’re doing just fine.)
Jalabola – noun Descriptive of a person who obsequious, or a suck-up.
Jalar bolas –
verb To beg.
verb To act in an attention seeking way.
verb To be very obsequious.
Jaqueca – noun A migraine or headache.
Jeta – noun A pout.
Jeva – noun A person with whom one has a casual or informal sexual relationship.
Jojoto – noun Corn on the cob
Jorungar –
verb To rummage around.
verb To fiddle.
Juanete – noun Corns, as in the medical condition of the extended growth of bone on the foot.
Ladilla – adj/noun Something which is very annoying. The literal meaning is a crablouse. Most commonly heard within the phrase “¡Que ladilla!” (What a pain in the ass!).
Ladillado – adj Bored, or fed up, with something.
Lata – noun A French kiss; i.e. with tongues.
Lechudo – noun A lucky individual. Comes from buene leche.
Lechúo – Correct pronunciation of Lechudo.
Leonero – noun A supporter of the Caracas Leones baseball team (most Venezuelans are either Leonero or Magallanero)
Lepe – noun A slap on the wrist, telling-off, or ‘bollocking’.
Levantón Andino – noun A questionable smoothie drink prepared in the Andean region of Venezuela, touted as a hangover cure, and most commonly found in Mérida. It contains most everything at a fruit stand, including some extras, often including bovine eyes and testicles.
Liqui Liqui – noun Venezuela’s traditional national garment for men. It’s a formal, high-collared guayabera type shirt and slacks.
Llanero – noun Venezuelan cowboy.
Llanos – noun Grasslands and plains of the country’s interior.
Machimberro – noun An individual who works in a slap-dash manner, aiming to finish their task quickly, rather than well. Also Chapucero.
Macundales – noun Stuff, or things; used to refer to general things. See also Coroto.
Magallanero – noun A supporter of the Magallanes baseball team (most Venezuelans are either Leonero or Magallanero)
Mahunche – adj Of poor quality, or ‘tacky’.
Mala leche – expression Bad luck.
Malandro – noun A thug, or gangster.
Malparido/Malnacido – adj Improperly born – descriptive of a person who is seen as a desgraciado, equivalent of calling some a ‘Bastard’.
Mamado – adj Exhausted, or very tired.
Mamahuevo – noun 1. Cocksucker, a common expression which can be friendly or very offensive, depending on the context and level of confidence felt with the subject. 2. A very unfriendly or odious individual.
Mamando – adj Broke, or having very little money. Also pelar bolas.
Mamarracho – noun A person who is either poorly dressed, takes little care of their personal appearance, or is odd.
Mamonazo – noun A task conducted in a speedy or efficient manner. “Esto lo vamos a hacer de un solo mamonazo” (We will get this thing done quickly.)
Manguangua – noun A simple task which is accomplished easily or without much effort, usually for greater rewards than are deserved.
Que Mantequilla – expression
How simple/easy was that!
What a coincidence!
Maracucho – noun Native of the city of Maracaibo.
Marcar la milla – verb To leave in a hurry.
Marico/Marica – noun
Appellation that refers to a close friend or acquaintance. Equivalent of ‘mate’.
A homosexual.
Marrón – noun A cappuccino, also Cafe Marrón.
Maruto – noun The belly-button.
Mas agarrado que vieja en moto – expression Signifying that an individual is stingy, or tight-fisted when it comes to money. Literally “holds on tighter than an old lady on a motorcycle.”
Mas mamada que teta de puta – expression Signifying that someone is exhausted. This stems from the adjective mamado, whose double-meaning means both ‘exhausted’, and ‘sucked’. So literally, “I’m more tired/sucked than a prostitute’s tit.”
Matar Tigre – noun To work at one’s job.
Matraquear – verb To extort.
Melcocho – adj Descriptive of an individual who is very sweet or considerate.
Melena – 1. noun A large and voluptuous hairstyle. 2. noun Descriptive of a person’s own hair, when it is naturally very thick or unruly.
Merengada – noun A milkshake, or smoothie.
Merequetengue – noun A typically Latino style, flavour or grace. e.g. “Me cae mal, pero tiene su merequetengue” (I don’t like them, but they’ve certainly got style).
Métemelo! – exclam Expression used to express annoyance at an individual’s persistence or repetitiveness. Comes from a sexual reference to a man’s persistent amorous advances to a woman, but can be used in any similar context. (imagine literally “put it in me!”). Most commonly prefixed with “Coño!”. i.e. “Coño! Métemelo!” (Jesus! Enough already!).
Metiche – adj Nosy. Descriptive of a person who is overly concerned with things that are none of their business.
Mingón – noun An individual prone to whining or complaining.
Mimado – adj Spoiled, as in a spoiled child.
El Mío/La Mía – noun Very malandro way of referring to one’s friend, or pana. e.g. “Como estas el mío?” (How are you mate?)
Mojón – noun
A turd.
Bullshit. e.g. “Que mojón!” (What a load of bollocks).
Mojonear – verb To bullshit.
Mollera – noun The Fontanelles, or small hole in a baby’s head.
Montacachos – noun A person who is sexually unfaithful in their relationships.
Montar Cachos – verb To be sexually unfaithful to one’s partner, to cheat. Comes from the classical image of a cuckold, the horned goat.
Monte y Culebra – adj Expression denoting that a region or town is rural or under-developed. Literally “Mountains and Snakes”. A popular saying in Caracas is that Caracas is the capital, and the rest of the country is ‘monte y culebra’.
Montuno – adj Of an individual, to be unsophisticated. Stemming from the word monte, which is associated with rural areas.
Morrocoy – noun A sea turtle.
Morrocoy diciendo a Cachicama “conchudo” – expression To criticize hypocritically. Equivalent of ‘the pot calling the kettle black’. Literally ‘A turtle calling an armadillo shelled’.
Morrocoya – noun Vagina.
Morrocoyota – noun A ‘camel toe’, or the outline of a woman’s genitals on her clothing. Also camello.
Mosca – exclam Take care; watch out; be careful.
Mosquita Muerta – noun A person who appears to be very innocent, but is in fact very troublesome.
Motolita/o – noun Synonym of Mosquita Muerta.
Motorizado – noun An individual who rides a motorcycle
Mototaysi – expression A malandro way of pronouncing Mototaxi.
Mototaxi – noun An individual who offers a taxi service using their motorcycle. Prices should be negotiated prior to departure. A quick and efficient way to move around the capital city Caracas.
Mucha bomba, y poco chicle – expression Signifying that someone or something appears to promise a great deal, but in reality has little to offer. Literally “A big bubble, but not much gum”. Equivalents in English might be ‘Big hat; No cattle’ or ‘All mouth; No trousers’.
Na’guara – exclam Expression used to imply disbelief or surprise. Should be delivered with gusto.
Naiboa con papelón –
noun A cake made from cassava root and sweetened with papelón.
expression Signifying ‘no’; due to the first word’s similar to the word ‘No’.
Nawebona – exclam A slangy way of writing the expression ‘una huevonada’.
Ñames – noun Feet.
Negrear – verb To denigrate. Stemming from a racist idea that by ‘blackening’ someone, they are thereby less valuable.
Nojoda – exclam Common expression conveying disbelief or surprise. Equivalent of “don’t fuck around”, or No Mames in Mexican Spanish.
Nota – noun/adj Designation used to express that the subject is impressive, or excellent. e.g “El nuevo Samsung es una nota” (The new Samsung is awesome).
No vengas con tu cuerpo de yuca – exclam Expression meaning ‘don’t be conceited or arrogant’, or a response to someone saying ‘I told you so’.
Niche – noun An individual with no style or class.
Ni fu, Ni fa – expression Of a person, object or activity, which inspires no emotion. Also Equis.
Pa’ tirar pa’l techo – expression Descriptive of a great abundance of things. Literally “enough to throw at the roof”.
Pabellón Criollo – The Venezuelan national dish, consisting of Caraotas, Carne Mechada, Tajadas, and rice.
Pagaprota – noun Same as Jalabola.
Paja – 1. Nonsense, something which is not true. 2. Masturbation.
Pajazo – noun The act of ‘grassing some up’, or ‘telling tales’.
Pajear – verb To be a telltale, to 'grass on someone’.
Palanca – noun A friendship or contact ‘on the inside’, which facilitates one’s business or activities. e.g. “Tengo palanca” (I’ve got a guy).
Palanqueado/a – adj To have preferential treatment due to a contact or friendship within an organization. e.g. When arriving at a nightclub, and being friendly with the bouncer: “no nos toca cola, estoy palanqueado”. (We won’t have to queue, the bouncer is my friend, and will let us straught in.”
Pálida – noun A very serious, or tough, hangover. Beer Cancer. e.g. “coño, me dio una pálida que parecian dos.” (Damn, I had a terrible hangover)
Palo de Agua – noun Heavy rain.
Pan de leche – noun Term for someone who is very light-skinned, comparing them to the colour of white bread.
Pana – noun A friend, or mate.
Papada – noun The double-chin.
Papeado – adj Muscular.
Papo – noun Vagina.
Parchita –
noun Passionfruit
adj Homosexual
Parecer Dos – adj A common expression used to describe an extreme level or amount of something. Literally to “appear to be two of them”.
Parecer una Caraota – exclam A saying used when playing dominoes, when one has a great deal of points still in one’s hand. Literally ‘I look like black beans’.
Pargo –
noun The Red Snapper species of fish
noun A male homosexual
Parrillero – noun The passenger on a motorcycle. So called, because on many smaller motorcycle models, they are seated on the grill designed for luggage.
Parlanchín – noun A person who talks too much, or excessively.
Pasar Buscando – verb To pick someone up and give them a ride using your own vehicle. e.g. - “Como llegaras al cine?” -”Me van a pasar buscando” (- How will you get to the Cinema? - They’re going to pick me up.)
Pata en el suelo – adj Pejorative, and often offensive, term for an individual from a very humble background.
Patan – noun Descriptive of a man who is promiscuous. A ‘player’ or ‘ladies man’.
Patatus – noun A fainting fit.
Patilla – noun Watermelon
Patuque – noun A mixture of something which is subsequently smeared on the body. Usually refers to make-up, but could also, for example, be used to describe a mud-pack.
Pavita – adj Well-dressed, or dressed fashionably.
Pea – noun A state of extreme inebriation. A tropicalizado version of ‘peda’. e.g “Me eché una pea que parecian dos” (I got really drunk)
Pegar un Quieto – verb To rob someone at gunpoint. As in “to make them be quiet”.
Pela – noun
A difficult or trying situation. “La maestria fue una pela” (My master’s degree was a struggle)
A fierce physical beating.
Pelabola – noun A person who is broke, or has no money.
Peladera de chivos – noun A very rural region. Literally to suggest that nothing happens in the place, except fights between goats.
Pelar bolas – verb To be broke, or have no money.
Pelar la bola – verb To pass the time.
Pelín – noun A small amount. Also Pelo ‘e Culo.
Pellejo – noun The upper-throat, or gullet.
Pelo ‘e Culo – noun An insignificant amount.
Pelón –
noun A bald man.
noun Something without any hair.
Pemón – Indigenous ethnicity native of the country’s Amazonas region.
Peo – noun
A problem or issue.
A fight or argument.
Peorro – noun A flatulent individual. Peorra if the person is female.
Pepita – adj. Immaculately clean, or well presented.
Perico – 1. noun Scrambled eggs mixed with onion and tomato. 2. noun Cocaine.
Pernil – noun Roast pork, or pulled pork.
Perolero – noun An individuals’s ‘stuff’, or accumulated items which they carry with them.
Perreo – noun A female’s act of grinding with her posterior on the crotch of a male dance partner. The verb form is ‘Perrear’.
Picado – adj
Picar el Culo – euph To have an ‘itchy anus’ in Venezuelan slang is to be:
e.g. “te pica ese culo marico?”
Pícaro – adj Impish, or amusingly cheeky.
Piche – adj Rotten.
Pichón – noun A baby bird.
Pico y palo, ser de – adj Of an individual to be argumentative or confrontational.
Pifiar – verb To make a mistake, or error. e.g. “No andas pifiando, que la carretera esta dificil”. (Don’t mess it up, because this road is difficult.)
Pinga – noun Penis.
Pintón – adj Descriptive of a plantain that is one the very cusp of turning ripe.
Piña bajo el brazo – exp Something which is constant and very irritating. Literally like holding ‘a pineapple under your arm’.
Piripicho – noun Childish word for a penis. A ‘willy’.
Pisapasito – noun Synonym of Mosquita Muerta.
Pitillo – noun A drinking straw.
De Pinga – adj Excellent, or of outstanding quality.
Plomo – exclam Expression of assent or affirmation. As in “Yes”. Seen as very Malandro way of speaking.
Policia Acostado – noun ‘Sleeping Policeman’ or speed-bump.
Polvo – noun. Sexual intercourse conducted quicky. A quickie, or a shag.
Ponerse un Culo – verb Of a person, to grow up into, or to make themselves into, a very attractive individual. e.g. “Viste a fulana? Se puso un culo” (Did you see Whatshername? She got hot.)
Preñada – adj Pregnant.
Púllalo! – exclam Get a move on! or Let’s go!
Púre – noun
An old lady.
Que Nota – exclam Expression used to denote that something is impressive, excellent.
Quesillo – noun Spanish Flan. Different from the Mexican word.
Rabadilla – noun The coccyx, or ‘tailbone’.
Ratón – noun A hangover.
Recoger la cabulla – Expression To take one’s words back.
Rojo Rojito – adj A diminutive way to describe something’s adherence to Venezuelan socialism, or Chavismo.
Rolo de … – Expression signifying a great quantity, quality or size of something. e.g. “Rolo de camioneta” (A great truck/vehicle)
Sacar el Culo – verb To intentionally avoid a person (most often used in context of friends or acquaintances), or exclude them from plans.
Sacar la chicha – verb To make the most out of something, or out of any situation. To ‘milk it’. Expression stems from the popular drink chicha.
Sacar la Piedra – verb To irritate someone. e.g. “Ese chamo me saca la piedra” (That kid pisses me off).
Salado – adj Unlucky. Literally ‘Salty’.
Sandunga – adj Of something having good rhythm or flavour.
Santa María – noun A metal window shutter or blind, most commonly seen on high street shops to protect the interior.
Sape Gato – exclam Expression meaning “no way”.
Sarataco – adj Drunk to the point at which one has lost significant motor skills. One who is sarataco should not be driving.
Se le quemó el arroz – expression Literally ‘his rice burned’.
Meaning that a person is gay.
Meaning that person has just ‘come out of the closet’.
Señor, dame paciencia, y en el culo resistencia – expression Used in times of exasperation. Literally “Lord, give me patience, and in my arse, resistance”.
Sifrino/a – adj Posh, or pertaining to a high social class or level of wealth.
Sisañoso – adj Descriptive of a person who makes problems or sticks their nose into business which has nothing to do with them. A ‘busybody’.
Sisaña – noun Problems caused unnecessarily by ‘busybodies’, or people who have no reason to get involved.
Sobaco – noun The armpit.
Soplarle el Bistec – verb To be working one’s way into another romantic affections. Literally to be ‘blowing on their steak’, to make it ready for consumption. e.g. “Es mi amiga, pero estoy soplando a su bistec” (She’s my friend, but I’m working towards something more).
Soponcio – noun A fainting fit.
Sortario – adj Lucky.
Tajada – noun A fried strip of plantain.
Tate Quieto – expression “Shut the fuck up”. An abbreviated version of “Estáte Quieto”, or ‘Be Quiet/Calm’, but this in an aggressive phrase.
Te pica ese culo? – exclam Agressive way of asking if someone has a problem.
Templado – adj Lucky. Pronounced “templáo”. Also lechúo.
Tequeño – noun A small snack similar to, but not the same as, a mozzarella stick.
Testaferro – noun An individual who acts as a front for someone else’s operation, in that it is their name which appears on all official documentation, behind which their is a tacit agreement.
Tierrúo – adj A person of low social class, or poor manners.
Tobo – noun A bucket.
Toros Coleados – noun See Coleo.
Totona – noun Vagina.
Traer las piedras – verb To bring a set of dominoes to play. e.g. “Trajiste las piedras?” (Did you bring the dominoes?)
Tremendo Peo – exclam Expression meaning something is scandalous, or a big problem.
A Tres Tablas – adj Descriptive of an action performed in an intense or rapid way. e.g. “Va manejando a tres tablas” (They are driving like a maniac).
Tropicalizado – adj Descriptive of a foreign person, thing or phrase, which has spent enough time in Venezuela for it to have assimilated with the culture. i.e. To have become ‘tropicalized’.
Tusa –
1. noun A kiss.
2. noun The pithy centre of a corn cob.
Tutirimundachi – noun The general public, including people with whom one is not acquainted. e.g. “A mi cumpleaños llegaron tutirimundachi” (Everyone and their cat came to my birthday party).
Uñero – noun The broken and painful skin that can appear beside the fingernails. A ‘stepmother’s blessing’.
Vaina – noun A catch-all pronoun and probably the most common Venezuelan slang word, used to refer to any object or action in context of the sentence. Equivalent of “thingy-ma-jig”. e.g. “Pasame esa vaina” (Pass me that thing).
Veinte-ultimo – noun The final cigarette in the pack.
Ven a mi, que tengo flor – expression Used when a person is certain of victory. Comes from the game ‘truco oriental’.
Ver pajaritos preñados – expression To sit and do nothing. Literally to ‘watch pregnant birds’.
Verga – 1. noun. Penis. Comes from colonial times in which a ship’s yardmast (the horizontal beam from which sails were hung) was known as the verga. 2. exclam Expression of surprise or shock, equivalent of “Wow!”
Vergacion – exclam Exclamation typical of Maracaibo (where the word “verga” is used in many contexts and forms) expressing surprise.
Volverse un culo – verb To become confused or confounded by something.
Vomito – noun Descriptive of a person who is very odious, unfriendly or disagreeable. e.g. “El es un vomito” (He’s horrible).
Wiro – See Güiro.
Yanomami – noun An indigenous ethnicity native to the Gran Sabana.
Zafarrancho – noun An activity which involves a great deal of noise or disturbance, most often associated with party.