Meet the Pork-Knockers of Guyana's Gold Rush Featured, Features, Other countries, Print, VICEAlasdair BaverstockOctober 13, 2014backdam, gold mining, Guyana, illegal, pork knockersComment
The world's most intense storms Rough Guides, Travel, VenezuelaAlasdair BaverstockJuly 23, 2014CatatumboComment
Michoacan care home shut down by authorities Mexico, News, TelevisionAlasdair BaverstockJuly 18, 2014Care home, La Gran Familia, MichoacanComment
EXCLUSIVE: Inside the terrifying possession of Mexican Ouija orphan Daily Mail, Mexico, News, PrintAlasdair BaverstockJune 26, 2014demons, ouija, possession, TepoztlanComment
Miserable Flooding Is a Fact of Life in Mexico City’s Impoverished Borough Mexico, News, Print, VICEAlasdair BaverstockJune 1, 2014Flooding, inundaciones, MexicoComment
A Bloody War for Water in Mexico Mexico, News, Print, VICEAlasdair BaverstockMay 25, 2014Ameyalco, San BartoloComment
Wave of Unaccompanied Central American Migrant Kids Overwhelms US Holding Facilities Mexico, News, Print, USA, VICEAlasdair BaverstockMay 15, 2014Comment
VICE: Vigilantes fighting drug cartels are now actual cops Mexico, News, Print, VICEAlasdair BaverstockMay 15, 2014Comment
Sewage lagoon makes Pacific coast resort a public health risk Features, Mexico, TelevisionAlasdair BaverstockMay 1, 2014Aguas Negras, lagoon, Sewage, ZihuatanejoComment
Resort that inspired escape from Shawshank prison declared a health risk Mexico, Print, The TelegraphAlasdair BaverstockApril 7, 2014Comment
Resort that inspired Shawshank escape declared a health risk Mexico, News, Print, The Telegraph, TravelAlasdair BaverstockApril 7, 2014Aguas Negras, Mexico, Sewage, Shawshank Redemption, ZihuatanejoComment
VICE: New 'Bullet Law' Gives Mexican Police a License to Kill 'Resisting' Protestors Mexico, News, Print, VICEAlasdair BaverstockMarch 20, 2014Comment
Mashable: After a month of violence, Venezuela's protestors try peace News, Others, Print, VenezuelaAlasdair BaverstockMarch 8, 2014Comment
Syndicated to NBC News: Nightlife of Venezuelan Rioters News, Others, Print, Television, VenezuelaAlasdair BaverstockMarch 5, 2014Comment
Global Post: A night in the life of a Venezuelan rioter News, Others, Print, VenezuelaAlasdair BaverstockMarch 4, 2014Comment
This is what it actually looks like on the ground in Venezuela right now News, Print, VenezuelaAlasdair BaverstockFebruary 26, 2014Guarimbas, VenezuelaComment
Venezuela to slap arrested protestors with passport ban as unrest grows Print, The Telegraph, VenezuelaAlasdair BaverstockFebruary 23, 2014Comment
Venezuela imposes passport suspension on protestors News, Print, The Telegraph, VenezuelaAlasdair BaverstockFebruary 22, 2014Ban, Dictadura, Guarimba, Passport, Venezuela Comment
Venezuela faces chaos as opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez surrenders to authorities Print, The Independent, VenezuelaAlasdair BaverstockFebruary 19, 2014Comment
Venezuela faces chaos as opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez surrenders News, Print, The Independent, VenezuelaAlasdair BaverstockFebruary 17, 2014Comment