Mass Deportations bring chaos to U.S.-Mexico Border Region
Breaking News, CGTN, Documentary, Latest, Mexico, News, Migration, Television, USAAlasdair Baverstockdeportations, border, mexico, deportee, deportees, tijuana
Bolivian Artist brings colour to Latin America
CGTN, Documentary, Latest, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockaymara, mamani, bolivia, artist, bolivian, andes, colours, art
Trump's return to office causes migration havoc at U.S.-Mexico Border
CGTN, Features, Documentary, Latest, Mexico, News, Migration, Television, USAAlasdair Baverstockmigration, deportation, tijuana, trump, mexico
Darien Gap Migrants
Migration, Latest, CGTN, Venezuela, Television, DocumentaryAlasdair Baverstockdarien, gap, selva, migrants, migration, panama, colomboa, colombia
Mexico's Mennonites
Business, Documentary, Latest, Mexico, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockcuautehmoc, chihuahua, menones, mennonites, low german, aleman bajo, agriculture, new holland, agricultura
Vanilla: Mexico’s enigmatic gift to the world
Latest, CGTN, Documentary, Features, Television, MexicoAlasdair Baverstockvanilla, papantla, mexico, vainilla, veracruz
Living through the U.S. Asylum System
From Ashes to Aloha: Maui's struggle to recovery
2023: Hawaii Fires, CGTN, Latest, News, Documentary, Television, USAAlasdair Baverstockmaui, fires, hawaii, wildfires, recovery
Environmental damage on Mexico's highest peak accelerating climate change
CGTN, Climate Change, Documentary, Latest, Mexico, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockvefacruz, pico de orizaba, citlaltepetl, deforestation, Jamapa, Jamapa Glacier
The Quetzal Bird
CGTN, Central America, Documentary, Latest, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockqueztal, bird, ortnithology, costa rica, Quetzal, Guatemala, protection
Seeking sanctuary from deportation in U.S. churches
Central America, CGTN, Documentary, Latest, News, Television, USAAlasdair Baverstockchurch, sanctuary, usa, mexico, texas, migrants, deportation
Mexican mother and stolen daughter reunited
CGTN, Documentary, Latest, Mexico, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockstolen, juana bernal, mexico, niña robada, mexico city, stolen daughter
Remaining In Mexico
Migration, Latest, CGTN, Documentary, News, Television, MexicoAlasdair Baverstockremain in mexico, title 42, migrants, migration
Plastic Pollution Impacts World's Oceans
CGTN, Central America, Climate Change, Latest, Documentary, Mexico, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockplastic, pollution, oceans, honduras, el salvador, guatemala
Mexico's Abandoned Homes
CGTN, Documentary, Latest, Mexico, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockabandoned, homes, crisis, housing, mexico, casas abandonadas
Navajo Nation at the extreme of a changing global climate
CGTN, Climate Change, Documentary, Latest, Television, USAAlasdair Baverstocknavajo nation, cambio climatico, climate change, indigenous, Hopi, hopi nation
Climate Change Migrants
CGTN, Documentary, Latest, News, Central America, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockclimate chang, climate change, migration, guatemala, flooding, drought, campur
Navajo Nation faces a changing climate
The debate around U.S. civil war monuments
Raramuri tribe being displaced by climate change