Live: Impact of steel tariffs on Mexico
Business, Breaking News, CGTN, Latest, Mexico, Live TV/Radio, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstocktariffs, steel, aluminum, cgtn, live, live tv
Live TV: Mexico's reaction to Trump's tariffs
CGTN, Business, Latest, Live TV/Radio, Mexico, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstocktrump, tariffs, cgtn, live, steel, mexico, aluminum, aluminium
Trump's blanket 25% tariffs signal death of North American Free Trade
Business, CGTN, Latest, Live TV/Radio, Mexico, News, Television, USAAlasdair Baverstockmexico, tariffs, 25%, trump, NAFTA
Mexico marches as 2024 election cycle begins
CGTN, Live TV/Radio, Latest, Mexico, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockmexico, march, marches, democracy, democracia, cdmx
Mexico weathers double storm threat on Pacific coast
Breaking News, CGTN, Latest, Mexico, Live TV/Radio, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockbaverstock, lidia, max, mexico, cgtn, hurricane, huracan
Live: Hawaii Wildfires
Breaking News, CGTN, Live TV/Radio, Latest, News, Television, USA, 2023: Hawaii FiresAlasdair Baverstockalasdair baverstock, donut, live, hawai, hawaii
Live TV from the streets of El Paso in the grip of a migration crisis
Breaking News, CGTN, Latest, Live TV/Radio, Mexico, Migration, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockel paso, migrant crisis, migrants, venezuelans, juarez, border, biden
China-Mexico trade booms in 2022
Business, CGTN, Latest, Mexico, News, Live TV/Radio, Facebook LiveAlasdair Baverstockchina, homelife, china homelife, mexico city, ciudad de mexico, expo
Category 3 Hurricane Roslyn makes landfall in Mexico
CGTN, Breaking News, Latest, Live TV/Radio, Mexico, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockhurricane, roslyn, ayarit, landfall, category 3
6.9 magnitude aftershock rocks Mexico following major earthquakle
Breaking News, CGTN, Latest, Mexico, News, Live TV/Radio, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockseptiemble, aftershock, earthquake, michoacan, mexico, reporter, aslive
Facebook Live: Reservoir completely depleted as climate change hits Monterrey
Climate Change, CGTN, Latest, Live TV/Radio, Mexico, NewsAlasdair Baverstockdrought, monterery sequia, la boca, presa la boca, reservoir, climate change
Time running out for trapped Mexican miners
Breaking News, CGTN, Latest, Live TV/Radio, Mexico, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockminers, coahuila, trapped mexico, rescue
FB Live: Mexican town mourns San Antonio trailer tragedy victims
Mexico president declines to attend Summit of the Americas
Breaking News, CGTN, Latest, Mexico, News, Television, Live TV/Radio, USAAlasdair Baverstockaslive, summit of the americas, AMLO, Alasdair Baverstock, freelance, correspondent, mexico, journalist
Hurricane Agatha strikes Oaxaca State
CGTN, Latest, Mexico, News, Television, Live TV/RadioAlasdair Baverstockhurricane, agatha, may, oaxaca, puerto escondido, mexico
U.S. to launch parole program for Ukrainian refugees
CGTN, Facebook Live, Latest, Mexico, Live TV/Radio, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockukranian, refugees, tijuana, mexico, journalist, correspondent, cgtn
Ukranians at the U.S. Border in Tijuana
Breaking News, CGTN, Facebook Live, Latest, Mexico, Live TV/Radio, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockukraine, refugees, tijuana, Alasdair Baverstock, Mexico, journalist, correspondent, freelance
Live: Costa Ricans head to the polls in presidential run-off
2022: Costa Rica Election, Breaking News, CGTN, Latest, Mexico, Television, News, Live TV/RadioAlasdair Baverstockcosta rica, election, elecciones, figueres, chaves
FB Live: Costa Rica's election results
2022: Costa Rica Election, CGTN, Latest, Live TV/Radio, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockfacebook live, costa rica, election, figueres, chaves
FB Live: Talking to Costa Rican voters
2022: Costa Rica Election, CGTN, Latest, Live TV/Radio, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockcosta rica, election, vote, figueres, san jose, lineth