Live: Impact of steel tariffs on Mexico
Business, Breaking News, CGTN, Latest, Mexico, Live TV/Radio, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstocktariffs, steel, aluminum, cgtn, live, live tv
Live TV: Mexico's reaction to Trump's tariffs
CGTN, Business, Latest, Live TV/Radio, Mexico, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstocktrump, tariffs, cgtn, live, steel, mexico, aluminum, aluminium
Migrants first hit as Trump returns to the White House
CGTN, Latest, Mexico, Migration, News, Television, USAAlasdair Baverstockcgtn, trump, migrants, asylum, border, tijuana, cbp one
APEC's Impact on regional trade
APEC officials outline goals for future trade
LatAmNow: Mexico breaks diplomatic ties with Ecuador
Breaking News, CGTN, Digital Original, Latin America Now, Latest, Mexico, NewsAlasdair Baverstockecuador, mexico, latin america now, cgtn, Michelle Begue
U.S. and China meet over climate change ahead of global summits
Latest, CGTN, News, USA, Climate Change, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockclimate change, rajan vig, cgtn, palm springs, sunnylands
Mexico weathers double storm threat on Pacific coast
Breaking News, CGTN, Latest, Mexico, Live TV/Radio, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockbaverstock, lidia, max, mexico, cgtn, hurricane, huracan
Biden visits the U.S. Border
Breaking News, CGTN, Latest, Mexico, Migration, Facebook Live, USAAlasdair Baverstockel paso, cgtn, facebook live, migrants, venezuelans
Migrants react to extension of Title 42 protocols
Breaking News, CGTN, Latest, Mexico, News, Television, USAAlasdair Baverstocktitle 42, extension, mgirants, migrants, matamoros, cgtn
Alasdair's video diary from a ten-day reporting deployment
CGTN, Latest, Features, Digital Original, Documentary, Mexico, USAAlasdair Baverstockvideo diary, cgtn, reporter, diary, deployment
Latin America Now: Femicides Soar in Mexico
CGTN, Breaking News, Latest, Latin America Now, Mexico, NewsAlasdair Baverstockmexico, femicides, correspodent, journalist, freelance, cgtn, debanhi escobar
U.S. to launch parole program for Ukrainian refugees
CGTN, Facebook Live, Latest, Mexico, Live TV/Radio, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockukranian, refugees, tijuana, mexico, journalist, correspondent, cgtn
Walk and Talk: Mexican Senate marks 50 years of diplomatic relations with China
CGTN, Latest, Mexico, News, Digital Original, Television, China-Mexico 50 yearsAlasdair Baverstockcgtn, china, 50 years, diplomacy, senado
Reporter’s Diary from Deployment
Mexico sues U.S. gun companies over worsening violence
FB Live: Costa Rica Election Issues
Hondurans vote en masse in 2021 general election
2021: Honduras Elections, Breaking News, CGTN, Digital Original, Latest, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockwalk and talk, alasdair baverstock, honduras, elections, elecciones, cgtn
Haitian migrants eye chance to cross U.S.-Mexico border
CGTN, Latest, Mexico, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockcgtn, haitians, tijuana, migrants, del rio, acuña
Live: Covid cases reported among students returning to classrooms
CGTN, Latest, Live TV/Radio, Mexico, News, Television, Digital OriginalAlasdair Baverstockcovid, regreso a clases, escuela, cgtn, cdmx, school, return, infections