Posts tagged undocumented
Undocumented crossings drop at U.S. Border
Breaking News, CGTN, Latest, Mexico, Migration, News, Television, USAAlasdair Baverstockundocumented, border patrol, mexico, border, trump, trump effect
Mexican organized crime to benefit from Trump's hard border
CGTN, Digital Original, Latest, Mexico, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockmexico, coyote, coyotes, pollero, polleros, border, trump, undocumented
Migrants face vital decision at U.S. border
Migration, Latest, CGTN, News, USA, Television, MexicoAlasdair Baverstockmogeants, migrants, juarez, el paso, asylum, appointment, undocumented
American teenagers recruited by Mexican human smugglers
CGTN, Latest, Mexico, News, Television, USAAlasdair Baverstockmexico, border, smuggler, undocumented, teenagers, minors, drivers
Texas volunteers fight to get undocumented migrants vaccinated
CGTN, Latest, News, Television, USAAlasdair Baverstockdallas, Vaccine Finders, Shanti Shahani, texas, undocumented, migrants, vaccines
Undocumented migrants reunited with elderly relatives
2019: Illegal Immigration, CGTN, Documentary, Latest, Mexico, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockundocumented, migrants, illegal, illegal immigrants, usa, border, trump, palomas mensajeras, messenger pigeon
Episode 2, The Daughter
2019: Illegal Immigration, CGTN, Documentary, Latest, Live TV/Radio, Mexico, News, TelevisionAlasdair Baverstockmigrants, illegal, undocumented, palomas mensajeras, usa, border, immigrants, immigration
Episode 1, The Mother
CGTN, Latest, Mexico, News, Television, 2019: Illegal ImmigrationAlasdair Baverstockmichoacan, migracion, palomas mensajeras, border, border wall, undocumented, migrants, immigrants
Crossing Borders: A series on the reality of illegal immigration
CGTN, Digital Original, Featured, Features, Documentary, Latest, Live TV/Radio, Mexico, News, Television, 2019: Illegal ImmigrationAlasdair Baverstockpalomas mensajeras, illegal, illegal immigrants, undocumented, immigrants, mexican, mexico, border, border wa;;, border wall, michoacan, migrantes, migracion